Additive masterbatch
Master Batch
Masterbatches are a solid or powder additive for plastic used for coloring & improving properties of plastic products. (Additive Masterbatches).
Masterbatches allows the processor to color raw polymer economically during the plastics manufacturing process.
Masterbatch Kneader and extrusion machine
we have extensive range of opaque and transparent grades at multiple price points to suit a wide range of applications. These Filler Masterbatches reduce cost without compromising much in the physical properties.
uv Masterbatches
It is PP/PE filled with a combination of ‘ULTRA VIOLET stabilizer. We produce UV-MB containing 20% UV-stabilizer.
Additive masterbatch
Additive Masterbatches is targeted for a wide range of applications. The active ingredients (additives) are very well dispersed in Masterbatches to ensure desired properties are achieved at optimum loading levels, which translate to cost effective solutions for the processor.
Our vision is to become the most trusted & preferred solution/material provider for our customers in the plastics sector. We constantly strive to achieve excellence by creating the most innovative and cost-effective masterbatches. We believe in expanding values and undertaking global challenges to provide future-ready solutions to the industry
Polyethylene (PE) Masterbatch
Polypropylene (PP) Masterbatch
Polystyrene (PS) Masterbatch
Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Masterbatch
Engineering Plastic Masterbatch
Standard Masterbatch
UV Stabilizer Masterbatch
Anti-Static Masterbatch
Flame Retardant Masterbatch
Glow-in-the-Dark Masterbatch
Organic / Inorganic
Food Grade
Pearlescent Masterbatch
Modifier Compounds
Modifiers are polymeric additives incorporated into in plastics to obtain additional valuable product properties such as heat resistance, impact strength, abrasion resistance, light stability, weather stability, solvent resistance, fuel resistance etc.
Specialized Compounds
Binder Addictive