CAD Design & 3D 

Product Design

We Start the mold design by designing the plastic product. 

we create standard CAD files.

Ensuring desired design intent and manufacturability by modeling, making design changes and analyzing geometry.

Core and Cavity Development

Streamline the design process of core and cavity geometry using automated capabilities

Use automated shutoffs and a parting of core/cavity 

Design parting surfaces quickly and associatively


Split mold to accommodate complex slider designs 

Automatically check the core/cavity design for interferences

Mold structure

Define the entire mold structure, including the core, cavity, component systems and mold base for both prototype and production-scale multi-cavity molds. 


Configure the mold using libraries of standard parts, component systems and mold bases. Quickly add and trim ejector pins and insert cooling channels with parametric patterns. Include runners, gates, screws, pins and other standard components.

Design validation

Analyze the manufacturability of part designs using tools to check wall thickness, identify undercut regions and evaluate corner radii. 

Validate the mold design by checking the distances and reliefs in various positions and by analyzing the requirements for electrodes. 


Use the motion simulation capabilities to verify the entire range of movements of the mold, including dynamic collision detection.

Anode & Mold